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Presbyterians Launch a New Program, Because of the Badwe'e Scriptures

When does a Bible translation team know that their work has passed into the realm of "successful" translation projects? Much research done on this topic concludes that a Bible translation is a longterm success when the Church accords to the translation a special place in the institution's life.
We were quite pleased when January Ekoalea passed on the welcome news that the Presbyterian Church has chosen to anchor the Badwe'e translation in the life of the church. The way they have chosen to do this is by using Badwe'e as one of a handful of languages in which they promote the texts on which everyone should preach and teach. Pastor Abeng, a speaker of the neighboring Bikele language, has chosen Badwe'e to play this special role in the southeast of Cameroon.
The decision was made at the highest levels before being communicated downward. At each level the Spirit led the church to say "Yes!" to the new role of Badwe'e Scriptures.
What they are now doing is entrusting to our translation team in Somalomo the work of adapting this preaching calendar and guide. We have encouraged Ferdinand to work with January's son, Diphath, giving him a small budget to facilitate this extra activity.
What Scriptures do to the church is known to you all: First it is the imperishable seed that falls into the heart prepared by the Holy Spirit. It comes to life and fulfills all the potential that is locked inside it. Then it leads the new believer into an ongoing work of repentance and growth. Finally, it restores in the new believer the image of God and gives him the mind of Christ. His hope of full and final transformation is nourished by the promises of God's Word.
So now the one, big protestant church found throughout the Badwe'e area is committed to asking its pastors and lay-preachers to read its texts and preach on them. The language of the people will become the language of the pulpit. The translation will be rooted in the life and calendar of the church. Join us in praising the Lord for his gracious providence!

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