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Imported words for the Bible

There is a constant need to modernize living languages, and Badwe'e is a good case in point. The speakers of Badwe'e feel at ease in adding borrowed words if they contribute to the communication task.
One example that was new to me concerns the word "Mpa'ra". It had two meanings originally: "association" and "pair". (Note: This word is a derivation from the verb "ba'ra", which means "join; add to") The second meaning has now lost acceptance and is being expressed by a borrowed word, "pia", which comes from "pair [English]" or "paire[French]".
The Nzime are not so quick to incorporate words from European languages. Instead, they sometimes borrow from other Bantu languages.
Their word for "pair" is "mpa' ", which is distinct from all other words. Their word for "association" is either "mpa'ra" or "kwan", which is borrowed from a neighboring African language, Ewondo.

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