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Nzime literacy work well engaged

These pictures shows how younger readers and older alike are catching on to the idea of literateness. Here is one page of a book on the importance of learning to read:
Our coworkers in Lomie have done an good job in this regard, helping the Nzime move more and more in the direction of literateness. This is under the direction of Francois MEDJO, who is a Badwe'e who has moved into the Nzime community as an other-tongue African missionary. He is teaching a group of others to revise AIDS materials, bringing them into a new, simpler writing system.

This Nzime man is proud of his newly-acquired ability to write.

This Nzime coworker, Ghislain Nka'ala, would like to become a pastor to serve his people better. He is looking for a school that has a program suited to his needs, and for people who have finances to share with him in this endeavor.

There is nothing trivial about getting a nation of people, or a people-group, started down the path of literateness, where numeracy and literacy are known about, and where they are expected to play a role in the life of all but the youngest and the blind.

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