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Ministry in the light of Christ's authority

Matthew 28: 15-20:
15 The world lies about Jesus' resurrection, claiming he died and his body was stolen away.
16-17 Those in the visible church go to where Jesus promises to meet them, but some entertain doubts. They bring too much of the world within them.
18 But Jesus has risen from the dead and has a life that has conquered death. He will never again lay his life down. The father has given him authority over all mankind in all its ages, that he will never give it to another. Jesus never will question his hold on that authority or doubt what it means to have such authority.
19 Because of his divine authority, He commands the church to go and make disciples of all nations. Because he exercises that authority in wisdom and steadfastness, the disciples he would send do actually go and where they go, they encounter success in making disciples. His authority ensures their success. No nation on the face of the earth can utterly resist his will. All the demonic powers will yield their grip on those they have held. All his disciples will receive the same baptism in the one name of the Triune God.
20 The Lord Jesus is the head of the Church and demonstrates his authority by being the source of all teaching that commands our obedience. The Church is to attend to no other voice or obey any other teacher. As his life never yields to death, so it also guarantees that he will stand watch faithfully over his church forever. He is with the church until the very end of the age to ensure its fidelity to his teachings and grant it success in its mission.

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